[ 政治社 ]
Theoretical Politics Club
社团介绍 Intro
喜欢讨论时政热点?喜欢思考宏大叙事?对历史,政治,经济,哲学和国际关系兴趣盎然?TPC is for YOU!!
深国交理论政治社Theoretical Politics Club,简称TPC,建立于2021年,是深国交目前唯一专注于政治理论与思想史的社团。我们致力于为那些对政治、经济、哲学或社会问题感兴趣的同学打造一个共同学习和讨论的场所。进社团并不需要太多理论知识,有一些自己的有趣观点就好。
The Club would be held in the form of seminars to introduce the theories on the topic and encourage people with different ideas to have regular discussions; this could help students develop their logical and critical thinking skills, which would be largely beneficial to their future study and university applications.
🎉SCIErs, welcome to POLITICS!!!🎉
[ 社会科学分享社 ]
Social science sharing club
社团介绍 Intro
大家好,我们是Social science sharing club,我们有两个部门,经济部门致力于传授经济课内以及竞赛技巧,从而帮助大家对于经济进行更深的钻研;社科部门致力于传授课外的社科知识,激发大家对一众社会科学的兴趣。
The club aims to spread knowledge of social science which the students seldom learns in courses provided by the school to all year groups, this knowledge may include Economics, Psychology, History, Geography, Philosophy, Medical ethics, and so on.
We are looking forward to your coming!!!
社团介绍 Intro
TNR is about Trap Neuter Release. By doing the action of TNR can reduce the amount of stray animals and help them to find a home. Meanwhile, benefiting the environment of city by reducing noise pollution and make the streets cleaner. This action can also have a great impact of the stray animals as small effort can change their life.
[ 光合作用教育社 ]
Photosynthesis Teaching Club
社团介绍 In
社团介绍 Intro
你是否在找一个不仅仅能提供CS hour支教机会,还能同时学到教育学和心理学的知识的平台?你是否担心支教任务限制太多,没有办法制定自己的教育方针?快来光合作用教育社!一个完美的教育与心理学实践平台!
我们会在日常社活讲解教育学、儿童心理学、发展心理学。有时复盘假期支教。每逢假期,我们还会开放给社员支教(提供CS hour)的机会。我们的支教项目灵活度高,且不收取任何费用。
It is about education. We discuss global education issue every week during the activity time. And we plan then go for teaching trip every holiday to teach children in other cities.
[ 全美未来商业领袖竞赛社 ]
社团介绍 Intro
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the largest career student business organization and high school business competition in the world. SCIE FBLA club is an official chapter(school club) affiliate to FBLA China, we will teach the club members how to prepare for the FBLA competition as well as helping the teacher with the register process.
[ 创业学社 ]
BizTheory Club
社团介绍 Intro
🙌🏻Hiya!我们是隶属于全球性非盈利组织BizTheory NPO的创业学社团,致力于为高中生提供创业方面的教学,社团中最优秀的Startup将会获得高达30万美元💰的创业基金(我们已与国内外多家风险投资公司达成合作),并真正实现你们的Business Idea✨!我们期待着与各位优秀的小企业家们会面!
Don’t hesitate to unleash your inner entrepreneurship in BizTheory Club with 300 thousand US dollars Startup funds provided by real venture capitalist!
Article | SCIE ECA Leaders
Editing | Carmen Claire
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