This article is about how SCIE teachers conduct online teaching during this special period. Students described how their teachers held Zoom meetings, set homeworks, mark essays and give individual feedbacks, thus help them prepare for real exams.
历史课History Class
● 社会学Sociology class
一开始,我就收到了老师布置的作业,一篇针对我们现在学习的主题论文。因为这是一个相当新的主题,我有一点不确定。所以我在我的文章末尾也附上了我的一些疑问。Gary老师第二天就看完并回复了我们的作业,也进行了评分,当然,也耐心回答了我的问题。First I was set homework on a essay question that relates to our current topic. Because it is a rather new topic, so I was a bit unsure. Therefore I put my questions at the end of my essay. Mr Gary marked the question the next day and send back the homework with marks and answers with my questions, which clarifies the structuring issue that I was struggling with!
随后我们进行了Zoom会议,课堂持续了一个小时。由Richard老师讲解课程内容,他也给我们推荐了一些额外的资源,希望能够对我们的新主题的学习有用。随后我们讨论了作业,Richard老师以我的作业为示范,具体讲述了如何提升的方法,我们就能从屏幕上直观地看到改进以后不一样的效果。之后我们开放式地讨论了各自在论文写作时遇到的问题 ,并且复习了学习内容,期间每个同学都打开了话筒问问题。Then we had a zoom meeting which lasted for an hour. Mr Richard opens the lesson by recommending some additional resources such as books that we may find useful for our new topic. Then we move on to discuss the homework essay, and Mr Richard shared my screen on zoom where I go through in bullet point of my essay. Then Mr Richard discussed the ways of improvement with all of us, while we can see me physically making changes on the screen. Then we discussed openly on any problems we had when writing essays and reviewing content, where everyone unmute their microphones and asked.
计算机科学Computer Science
1. 运用Teams,进行网上视频授课。Online Video lesson using Teams.
2. 应用白板,所有的上课师生都可以参与图表绘制。Use of Whiteboard – where all participants can contribute to the diagram.
3. 在线评分,老师们在讨论后,通过屏幕展示出评分标准,并给学生作业进行评分。Live Marking: Teacher discusses and displays the mark scheme by sharing the screen while students mark on their Online Class notebooks.
音乐课 Music Class
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